Dumpster Rentals | Trash Monster, LLC, Adrian MI

3 Powerhouse ways to Maximize your Rental

Getting rid of waste can be a quick toss-out process, can be a tedious methodical workflow or anywhere in between.

With experience with hundreds of jobs across Lenawee county and SE MI, unique needs can arise to increase efficiency and improve workflows. Here are a few to look out for to get the most out of a rental period.

Renting a dumpster meets needs, reserving an optimized dumpster matched to your needs solved problems. 

driveway safe dumpster protection

1. Concrete & brick driveways deserve a break

A feature not seen widespread enough in the waste management industy is proper driveway protection.  Freshly poured concrete, stamped concrete, brick and paver surfaces and new asphalt all are at risk of scratches due to roll off dumpster casters.  Dumpster Driveway Protection is a specifically designed underlayment that the dumpster is placed on and this polycarbonate material slides as smoothly as butter on your driveway.  Scratch-free guaranteed.

Large national chains can have old dumpsters with caster wheels that no longer roll as designed.  This can cause significant driveway damage if not avoided.  Our dumpsters are new & function propery, with the additional measure of driveway protection, to keep a barrier between the dumpster and your driveway surface.

Ensure your driveway is given the protection it deserves; available on all sizes here

2. Reclaim your priceless time: Invest in time-saving tools

Every project has a timeframe to consider, with extensive exposure to dumpster loading of countless scenarios, our expertise has proven that utilizing contractor garage bags can prove to be a significat time saver for dumpster loading.  Bulk trash can be loose and small debris presents a point of efficiency loss when tackling various sorts of job tasks.  Each grab and carry accumulates and each trip to the dumpster can easily be maximized by bagging trash at the source.  This significantly reduces labor hours for cyclic trips to toss, and improves jobsite efficiency and cleanliness.  We recommend durable large contractor grade garbage bags for this purpose.  Available here for convienience.

3. Give yourself a little extra

Standard is acceptable, but extra is better!  Sometimes just a little more can make all the difference.  Extra time on your rental can mean getting the most out of your container volume and getting every bit of trash resolved.  Additional days are availalbe, just ask us for an extension here.  Free sound better? We have some great surpises and seasonal items in our extras store.  Check out what is available now! 

This are just some of the ways a dumpster rental experience can be optimized for success.  Plan ahead on your project and start confident your task will go quickly and smoothly.  For any way we can help ease the process, reach out and we will work to make your rental operate seamlessly.


Time to gear up, dig in and embrace the task ahead. Grab an extra coffee & get tossing! The reward of less clutter far outweighs the process of transforming your living space & Trash Monster is here to help!

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